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Does EM ROYALLE HOTEL offer free parking?

Yes, EM ROYALLE HOTEL offers complimentary parking for hotel guests.


Does EM ROYALLE HOTEL have a pool?

Yes, EM ROYALLE HOTEL has an outdoor pool.


What are the check-in and check-out times for EM ROYALLE HOTEL?

Check-in at EM ROYALLE HOTEL is from 2PM, and check-out time is 12NN. Contact the hotel directly for options available for early check-in or late check-out.


Does EM ROYALLE HOTEL offer free Wi-Fi?

Yes, EM ROYALLE HOTEL offers free WiFi!


Does EM ROYALLE HOTEL have a Dinning on site and bar?

Yes, EM ROYALLE HOTEL has 1 restaurant and 1 bar.


How much does it cost to stay at EM ROYALLE HOTEL?

Rates for accommodations at EM ROYALLE HOTEL vary by season. For your rate options, please input your dates.


Can I bring my pet to EM ROYALLE HOTEL?

Yes, pets are allowed at EM ROYALLE HOTEL.

more questions? contact us 

Your home away from home is waiting for you at EM ROYALLE HOTEL

Call or Text 09478730707  |   09468358189   |   09151551471

to book and get a taste of comfort, relaxation and fun, only at EM ROYALLE HOTEL located at Taboc, SanJuan La Union

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